Selected Leadership Academy Celebrates Graduating Class

May 15, 2023 | News & Announcements

2021-2023 Graduating Class Honored as New Participants Welcomed

CHICAGO, Ill. – May 10, 2023 — Members of Selected Independent Funeral Homes’ Leadership Academy created another memorable Leadership Conference in Chicago, April 25-28.

The event kicked off with orientation for the Academy’s new 2023-2025 class, Second Wind, on April 25. The conference continued April 26-28 with a variety of events and activities, including members of the graduating class, Unmasking Potential, giving their individual Capstone presentations prior to their graduation ceremony.
This year’s graduates are:

  • Wes Daniels, Daniels Chapel of the Roses Funeral Home & Crematory, Calif.
  • Steve Fisher, Flanner Buchanan-Market Street, Ind.
  • Susan Gill, Welch & Cornett Funeral Home, Ind.
  • Cora Gray, McComas Funeral Home, P.A.; Md.
  • Sarah Hamlin Kuchenbrod, Stith Funeral Home, Ky.
  • Karle Freeland, Simply Cremation and Funeral Arrangements, Ariz.
  • DeWayne Hughes, Hughes Family Tribute Center, Texas
  • Jamie Locke, Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial Chapel, Iowa
  • Kathleen Morton-Jones, Holloway Funeral Home, PA; Md.
  • Mackenzie Rediske, Uht Funeral Home, Mich.

“It was exciting to celebrate the Academy’s tenth graduating class,” said Amy Hunt, Director of Meetings and Education. “When developing this program more than a decade ago, it was built on the mission to teach principles of leadership to current and emerging leaders within Selected member firms. Today we have more than 100 members who have experienced this meaningful and impactful program. It’s a testament to how Selected members truly are committed to life-long learning and being leaders, no matter position or title.”

Selected is grateful for ASD, the Academy’s Official Partner.

About the Selected Leadership Academy: The Selected Leadership Academy is a personalized journey for those, no matter title or position, who believe their leadership matters and choose to become better. It is open to anyone actively engaged in the daily operations of a Selected member firm who is inspired to expand their leadership skills. For more than a decade, the Academy has focused on building and supporting leaders because leadership is so deeply woven into the fabric of Selected’s culture.

About Selected Independent Funeral Homes: Selected Independent Funeral Homes delivers innovative and pertinent resources, solutions and ongoing support necessary for enduring excellence to its international network of independently owned death-care providers who aspire to be the very best in their profession. Members of Selected operate according to specific standards and best practices to provide the public with reliable, high-quality service and funeral-related information.

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